BOCA proudly presents a new menu series, this time from our coveted cellar. In each edition of this menu series, our team of sommeliers carefully curates an unconventional wine selection, spotlighting unique winemakers and their dedication to their craft. This series reflects our passion for showcasing the stories of these producers.

We commissioned Argentinian visual artist Marianclick, to bring this limited-edition menu to life, featuring her distinctive illustrations that capture her love for wine, food, and terroir. Marianclick labeled it ‘EL VINO ES VIDA’ – Wine is Life.

The short menu will feature fewer than 20 labels, including options by the glass. The list changes regularly and will be offered throughout the day while stocks last.

Kicking off the ‘EL VINO ES VIDA’ series this May is a list under the theme: WINES BEYOND TRADITION, BEYOND EXPECTATION. This is a curated list of ‘off the beaten track’ wines, by winemakers working with native ingredients and ancestral methods; from Itata Valley to the Swartland, and from Tokaj to Jebel Al-Ansariye.

See this month’s menu HERE

Available all day, everyday while stocks last. Book now through WhatsApp +971521607507, through the phone 043231833 , or email hola@boca.ae

@bocadubai @marianclick

Prices are inclusive of 5% VAT and subject to 7% authority fees.

🍷BOCA CELLAR SERIES | David & Nadia Wine Dinner

David & Nadia Wine Dinner hosted by winemaker David Sadie

BOCA CELLAR SERIES presents paired David & Nadia Wine Dinner hosted by winemaker David Sadie

Uncork the essence of South Africa’s Swartland region with David & Nadia Wines. This passionate husband-and-wife team crafts exceptional wines that sing with natural balance and freshness.

Dedicated to minimal intervention and organic practices, David & Nadia coax the soul of the land into each bottle. Their meticulous attention to old-vine vineyards and diverse soils results in a captivating range.

BOCA’s Wine Cellar | May 21st, 2024 | Reception from 7 pm | AED 655 ++ per person | Dinner limited to 12 guests only.

Book now through WhatsApp +971521607507, through the phone 043231833 , or email hola@boca.ae

++All wines and vintages are subject to availability. Prices are inclusive of 5% VAT and subject to 7% Authority Fee and 10% service charge.


1004 Umami x Maison Morand Paris present a special menu celebrating the launch of EL VINO ES VIDA – BOCA by Marianclick

23rd and 24th April | 395 pp food and wine

BOCA proudly presents a new menu series, this time from our coveted cellar. In each edition of this menu series, our team of sommeliers carefully curates an unconventional wine selection, spotlighting unique winemakers and their dedication to their craft. This series reflects our passion for showcasing the stories of these producers.

We commissioned Argentinian visual artist Marianclick, to bring this limited-edition menu to life, featuring her distinctive illustrations that capture her love for wine, food, and terroir. Marianclick labeled it ‘EL VINO ES VIDA’ – Wine is Life.

The short menu will feature fewer than 20 labels, including options by the glass. The list changes regularly and will be offered throughout the day while stocks last.

Kicking off the ‘EL VINO ES VIDA’ series this April is a list under the theme: WINES BEYOND TRADITION, BEYOND EXPECTATION. This is a curated list of ‘off the beaten track’ wines, by winemakers working with native ingredients and ancestral methods; from Itata Valley to the Swartland, and from Tokaj to Jebel Al-Ansariye.

To mark the launch of the ‘EL VINO ES VIDA’ series and the April edition, we have partnered with our friends at 1004 Umami by 1004 Gourmet and Maison Morand Paris. They will provide premium Asian ingredients and artisanal cheeses in a limited time menu available in BOCA on April 23rd and 24th 2024.

See limited edition menu HERE

Limited menu availability. Book now through WhatsApp +971521607507, through the phone 043231833 , or email hola@boca.ae

@bocadubai @marianclick @1004umami @1004gourmet @maisonmorandparis

Prices are inclusive of 5% VAT and subject to 7% authority fees.


Special Menu for Lunch & Dinner from 26 April to 12 May part of Dubai Food Festival

Dubai Restaurant Week, a highlight of the Dubai Food Festival, will run from April 26 to May 12. This exclusive 17-day event offers food lovers a unique opportunity to visit a curated selection of over 50 of Dubai’s most popular dining outlets, serving delectable dishes at affordable prices.

Sustainable restaurant BOCA in DIFC specializes in fabulous Mediterranean cuisine. During Dubai Restaurant Week, guests can enjoy their limited-edition two-course lunch menu for AED 125 or a three-course dinner menu for AED 250, featuring dishes like creamy Gulf tiger prawns, green spelt risotto, and pistachio kunafa rolls.

See menus here:



Book now through WhatsApp using this link, through the phone 043231833 , or email hola@boca.ae


بوكا x أسبوع دبي للمطاعم
قائمة خاصة للغداء والعشاء من 26 أبريل إلى 12 مايو جزء من مهرجان دبي للمأكولات

مطعم بوكا، الرائد في مجال الاستدامة

بوكا مطعم أوروبي حديث يقع في قلب الحي المالي في دبي. يتميز المطعم بالتزام قوي بالاستدامة والتوريد المحلي.

بالإضافة إلى التوريد المحلي ودعم المزارعين والصيادين المحليين، كلف مطعم بوكا جهوده للحد من النفايات بمساعدة مسؤول النفايات الخاص به. يقوم المطعم باستمرار بتدقيق عمليات المطبخ، ويرفض استخدام البلاستيك من الموردين والعملاء، ويدير مخزونًا ديناميكي مبني على الطلب، ويفضل العمل مع شركاء متشابهين في التفكير. في موقعه في مركز دبي المالي العالمي في دبي، يدار100% من بوكا بالطاقة المتجددة كما قد نشرالمطعم للتو أول تقرير انبعاثات الكربون يوضح بالتفصيل تأثيره على البيئة.

بوكا مطعم متضمن في دليل ميشلين في دبي، وحاصل على نجمة ميشلين الخضراء للاستدامة، كما انه من جزء من قائمة أفضل 50 مطعم في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا, و حاصل على تقييم جولت آند ميلاو في الإمارات العربية المتحدة كأفضل مطبخ مستدام لعام 2023.

 أسبوع دبي للمطاعم

استكشفوا عالم الطهي وأسراره خلال “أسبوع دبي للمطاعم”، واحدة من أبرز فعاليات “مهرجان دبي للمأكولات” لهذا العام، والذي يُقام من 26 أبريل حتى 12 مايو. هذا الحدث الحصري الذي يتواصل لمدة 17 يوماً يوفر لمحبّي الطعام فرصةً فريدة لزيارة مجموعة تضمّ 50 من أشهر المطاعم في دبي، تقدم أطباقًا شهية بأسعارٍ مقبولة. استمتعوا بقائمة غداء من طبقين مقابل 125 درهم، أو قائمة عشاء من 3 أطباق مقابل 250 درهم للفرد.

يعدكم “أسبوع دبي للمطاعم” بمغامرة تذوّق لا تُنسى، مع التوابل العطرة التي يشتهر بها المطبخ العربي، والنكهات العالمية المبتكرة التي ترضي الذواقة. استمتعوا باحتفالية التذوّق والإبداع وثقافة الطعام النابضة بالحيوية في المدينة، وبادروا إلى استكشاف نكهات جديدة واستعادة المأكولات التقليدية المفضّلة لديكم والاستمتاع بمهارات الطهي الاستثنائية التي تشتهر بها دبي. لا تفوّتوا فرصة الاستمتاع بتجربة طعام متنوّعة وغنية في دبي، بأسعارٍ مذهلة. تابعونا للمزيد من التفاصيل حول المطاعم المشاركة.

يقع مطعم “بوكا” في قلب منطقة “مركز دبي المالي العالمي” النابضة بالحيوية، وهو مطعم إسبانيّ يعتمد الاستدامة في تحضير أطباقه الشهية. وجهة الطعام المحلية هذه، والحائزة على العديد من الجوائز، توفّر لكم تجربة طعامٍ لا مثيل لها، وسط أجواءٍ مريحة، وتُعتبر مثالاً لكيفية الجمع بين الرقيّ والحيوية والمأكولات الشهية. خلال “أسبوع دبي للمطاعم”، استمتعوا بتناول أطباقٍ إسبانية مستدامة، مثل الأخطبوط المشوي والكينوا بالشمندر مع كونفيت البط والريزوتو بالحبوب الخضراء.

اضغط هنا للاطلاع على قائمة الطعام 

BOCA – Dubai Restaurant Week – 2024 – Lunch

BOCA – Dubai Restaurant Week – 2024 – Dinner

للتواصل: واتساب: +971521607507 هاتف 043231833  ايمايل hola@boca.ae


BOCA introduces a special menu featuring a prized micro-seasonal ingredient from Palestine and the Levant currently in bloom.

In our ongoing commitment to unearth hidden yet treasured ingredients from the region and to share stories of community and resistance through food, BOCA is highlighting Akkoub in a limited-time menu.

Akkoub عكوب is an artichoke-like thistle plant (Gundelia or Tumble Thistle) that’s been foraged, wild-harvested and part of Palestinian, Jordanian, and Levantine cuisine for generations. In 2005, the Israeli Nature Authority enforced a ban on foraging Akkoub, making the act of harvesting it a criminal offense punishable by fines and imprisonment. Foragers are conservationists by nature and are in tune with the earth, knowing where to harvest and how much to keep regenerating. Since the ban, Akkoub has become more than just about cuisine; it has become about land and other basic rights of Palestinians. Today, it’s a symbol of resistance, culture, hope, survival, and community.

Our menu is a collaborative effort with ‘Andek Akkoub?’ (translated as ‘do you have Akkoub?’), an educational initiative led by Janine Kaselitz, a justice for nature advocate, and illustrated by Radina Galabova.

As the permitted amount of picking is limited to 5kg per person, Palestinians started their own micro economy selling Akkoub in villages, and ‘andek Akkoub?’ becomes the golden question to ask whether anyone has any of this sacred plant left. Learn more about Akkoub and its significance here @andek_akkoub

BOCA’s Chef Patricia Roig has meticulously crafted a limited-time four-course menu featuring Akkoub in three dishes: AKKOUB MOUTABAL with homemade artichoke bread, pomegranate, pickled chili, sumac, and fresh herbs; AKKOUB in ‘ESPARRAGAO’ with beef pancetta, sunchokes, and a traditional Andalusian garlic, paprika, and almond dressing; and AKKOUB & LAMB STEW made with roasted lamb shoulder, cannellini beans, and spring onions.

See menu here

The story of Akkoub doesn’t end with this meal. You can get your hands on one of the limited ‘Andek Akkoub’ hand embroidered t-shirts. The t-shirt serves as a conversation starter to tell the story of a wild plant native to Palestinian land but forbidden to be foraged. A story about both, Palestinians and Akkoub who are deeply rooted to their land, yet not free to live off it. A story about care, family traditions, resilience, and love.

100% of the proceeds of the t-shirt will be donated to Palestinian land and nature cultivation projects and organisations who preserve nature in Palestine. Follow @andek_akkoub to stay up to date on all projects.

Due to the micro-seasonal nature of Akkoub, this menu is available via pre-order and on a first-come, first-served basis. Enjoy four individually plated dishes and a hand embroidered ‘Andek Akkoub’ t-shirt for AED 395

Book now through WhatsApp using this link, through the phone 043231833 , or email hola@boca.ae

Prices are inclusive of 5% VAT and subject to 7% authority fees.


BOCA, Drink Dry, French Bloom, & Gorgeous Flowers Co. present
🌸Blooms & Bubbles Evening 🌸

Join us for a night of flower arranging fun, 0.0% bubbly by French Bloom and delicious canapés 🥂  Tuesday 19th March 7 pm – 10 pm. Click HERE to book your tickets



‘Barakeh’ signifies ‘blessings’ in Arabic.

This Ramadan we bring you iftar and suhoor menus delicately finished with the flavors of Barakeh; an ethically sourced extra virgin olive oil from a family-owned farm in Jordan.

The spread includes extra virgin olive oil from Barakeh, a ‘break your fast’ spread, two tapas, one starter, one main, one dessert, unlimited BE WTR filtered water, coffee & tea.

See menu here LINK

We invite you to take a bottle of Barakeh home available in 500ml bottles or part of a gift set including a handmade olive oil jug.

Available daily during the holy month from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm  | Iftar & Suhoor packages to be enjoyed by the entire table | AED 245+ per person | Children 12 and under dine free with every paying adult

Book now through WhatsApp using this link, through the phone 043231833 , or email hola@boca.ae





Under its new Designation of Origin, Raventós i Blanc wines from Conca del Riu Anoia represent the exceptional potential of this terroir for winemaking in one of the world’s oldest winegrowing valleys.

Join us in the cellar for an intimate dinner with winemaker Joan Munné to explore four expressions from the house of  Raventós i Blanc.

March 10th, 6 pm , 4 courses and 4 wines. Limited Capacity. AED 595 ++ per person.

Book now through WhatsApp using this link, through the phone 043231833 , or email shiv@boca.ae




BOCA is thrilled to present a limited-seat event featuring the prestigious Champagne ‘Le Cinq Filles’ from Champagne Yvonne Seier Christensen.

Hosted by Søren Ledet, the acclaimed Head Sommelier of Copenhagen’s 3-MICHELIN star restaurant Geranium. This exclusive event promises a sensory journey like no other.

Immerse yourself in the unique story of each ‘Les Cinq Filles’ expression, expertly paired with a specially curated 4-course menu by BOCA

Seats are limited and priced at AED 545 | March 4th, 7 pm | Email shiv@boca.ae to book your seat.